Morning Report (Trive Yatırım Menkul Değerler )

" The BIST closed a nervous wait yesterday ahead of the Fed meeting with a gain of 0.17% to close at 9774, but with a very low turnover of TRY 62.8bn, as investors opted the "wait-and-see" strategy.
" The Banks continued their recent rally, adding another 1.05% on top of Tuesday's gains, and the Conglomerates also closed higher, while the Industrial-Energy and Mining stocks diverged negatively. The Cement stocks were once again yesterday's most sold equities.
" As of print, the TRY is trading flat against the USD at 34.08 but has strengthened against the Euro to below the 38 level, after a sharp decrease.
" On the commodities front, Brent is trading slightly lower at $73.98, and after peaking at $2600 after the disclosure of the 50bps rate cut from the FOMC, GOLD quickly turned its nose downwards after Powell stated in his speech that they would not continue with the jumbo rate cuts akin to yesterday's decision.
" Yesterday, the much 25-50bps rate cut debate was settled, as the Fed opted for a strong initial rate cut of 50bps to 4.75%-5% range, but then said they will decide on future rate cuts based on the incoming data, as the employment issue seems to be at the forefront of the Bank's concerns. The Fed pulled-back its growth projection for 2024 to 2.0% from 2.1%, and maintained it at 2% for 2025-27 years, and at 1.8% thereafter. The PCE inflation rate was lowered to 2.6% from 2.8%, and to 2.2% from 2.3% for 2025 and at 2% for 2026 and 2027.


" On the local front, the CBRT policy rate will be disclosed today, but expected to remain unchanged at 50%, as well as the Foreigners' net STOCK/BOND positions, while overseas, the BOE will also release its policy rate, and the US will be disclosing it Weekly Jobless Claims-Existing Home Sales and Conference Board data.

" ARCLK: Disclosed that it opened its Egypt plant yesterday with an investment of 110 million USD and laid out in 2022, will take place today. The factory will initially focus on the production of refrigerators and ovens, with plans to produce other home appliance categories in the future. With a closed area of 70,000 m², the total area of the factory is 114,000 m². It is projected that approximately 2,000 jobs will be created, and the annual production volume is expected to reach 1.5 million units when operating at full capacity.
" TBORG: Disclosed that as its free float is now over 5%, it has applied to the CMB to be upgraded from the Pre-Market Trading Platform.

 Trive Yatırım Menkul Değerler A.Ş.

                        Yasal Uyarı
  Burada yer alan yatırım bilgi, yorum ve tavsiyeler yatırım danışmanlığı kapsamında değildir.Yatırım danışmanlığı hizmeti ; aracı kurumlar, portföy yönetim şirketleri, mevduat kabul etmeyen bankalar ile müşteri arasında imzalanacak yatırım danışmanlığı sözleşmesi çerçevesinde sunulmaktadır.Burada yer alan yorum ve tavsiyeler, yorum ve tavsiyede bulunanların kişisel görüşlerine dayanmaktadır.Bu görüşler mali durumunuz ile risk ve getiri tercihlerinize uygun olmayabılır.Bu nedenle, sadece burada yer alan bilgilere dayanılarak yatırım kararı verilmesi beklentilerinize uygun sonuçlar doğurmayabilir.