Tarih Borsa adı
29.08.2020 Algiers Stock Exchange
29.08.2020 Bahrain Stock Exchange
29.08.2020 Tehran stock exchange
29.08.2020 Beirut Stock Exchange
29.08.2020 Karachi Stock Exchange
29.08.2020 Bratislava Stock Exchange
29.08.2020 Iran Mercantile Exchange
30.08.2020 Borsa Istanbul A.S.
30.08.2020 National Stock Exchange of India
30.08.2020 Bombay Stock Exchange
30.08.2020 Dhaka Stock Exchange
30.08.2020 Karachi Stock Exchange
30.08.2020 Chittagong Stock Exchange
30.08.2020 Bolsa de Valores de Lima
30.08.2020 Istanbul Stock Exchange
30.08.2020 National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange
30.08.2020 Borsa Istanbul
31.08.2020 Philippine Stock Exchange
31.08.2020 London Stock Exchange
31.08.2020 London Stock Exchange International
31.08.2020 Baltic Exchange
31.08.2020 London Metal Exchange
31.08.2020 NEX Group
31.08.2020 Iraq Stock Exchange
31.08.2020 Swaziland Stock Exchange
31.08.2020 Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange
31.08.2020 Kazakhstan Stock Exchange
31.08.2020 Channel Islands Stock Exchange
1.09.2020 Colombo Stock Exchange
1.09.2020 Republican Stock Exchange of Tashkent
1.09.2020 Bratislava Stock Exchange
2.09.2020 Hanoi Stock Exchange
2.09.2020 Ho Chi Minh Exchange
7.09.2020 New York Stock Exchange
7.09.2020 NASDAQ BX
7.09.2020 Cboe Options Exchange (Cboe Options)
7.09.2020 Cboe C2 Options Exchange (C2 Options)
7.09.2020 Miami International Securities Exchange
7.09.2020 Cboe EDGA U.S. Equities Exchange (EDGA Equities)
7.09.2020 Investors Exchange LLC.
7.09.2020 OTC Markets
7.09.2020 ISE Gemini
7.09.2020 Cboe EDGX Exchange
7.09.2020 NYSE Chicago
7.09.2020 New York Stock Exchange
7.09.2020 International Securities Exchange
7.09.2020 New York Stock Exchange
7.09.2020 Cboe Global Markets
7.09.2020 FINRA Alternative Display Facility (ADF)
7.09.2020 NASDAQ
7.09.2020 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
7.09.2020 NASDAQ Fund Network
7.09.2020 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
7.09.2020 Cboe BYX U.S. Equities Exchange (BYX Equities)
7.09.2020 NASDAQ
7.09.2020 OTCBB (The OTC Bulletin Board)
7.09.2020 National Stock Exchange
7.09.2020 MIAX Emerald
7.09.2020 ISE Mercury
7.09.2020 Aequitas NEO Exchange
7.09.2020 FINRA TRACE SPDS 144A
7.09.2020 Canadian Securities Exchange
7.09.2020 TSX Alpha Exchange
7.09.2020 Omega ATS
7.09.2020 Omega ATS
7.09.2020 Nasdaq CXC
7.09.2020 Nasdaq CXC
7.09.2020 MIAX PEARL
7.09.2020 BM&F BOVESPA
7.09.2020 Minneapolis Grain Exchange
7.09.2020 New York Stock Exchange
7.09.2020 FTSE Russell Indexes
7.09.2020 TriAct Canada Marketplace
7.09.2020 FINRA TRACE BTDS 144A
7.09.2020 Cboe Market Data Index Service
7.09.2020 OPRA Indices
7.09.2020 TSX Venture Exchange
7.09.2020 TMX CBBO
7.09.2020 US Equity Markets - OTC Composite
7.09.2020 US Equity Markets - Composite
7.09.2020 Toronto Stock Exchange
7.09.2020 Montreal Exchange
7.09.2020 Canadian Securities Exchange
7.09.2020 BATS One Summary Feed
7.09.2020 Cboe Global Markets
7.09.2020 NASDAQ Basic
7.09.2020 South Pacific Stock Exchange
7.09.2020 Swaziland Stock Exchange
7.09.2020 Bolsa de Valores Mozambique
7.09.2020 Nextshares
7.09.2020 Bermuda Stock Exchange Ltd
7.09.2020 NASDAQ Fund Network
7.09.2020 Bulgarian Stock Exchange
8.09.2020 Malta Stock Exchange
8.09.2020 Macedonia Stock Exchange
14.09.2020 Bolsa de Valores de Caracas
15.09.2020 Bolsa Nacional de Valores, S.A.
15.09.2020 El Salvador Stock Exchange
15.09.2020 Bratislava Stock Exchange