Dünya borsaları tatil takvimi

Tarih Borsa
23.10.2022 Budapest Stock Exchange
24.10.2022 India INX
24.10.2022 National Stock Exchange of India
24.10.2022 Bombay Stock Exchange
24.10.2022 Singapore Exchange
24.10.2022 Stock Exchange of Thailand
24.10.2022 NZX New Zealand Exchange
24.10.2022 Stock Exchange of Mauritius
24.10.2022 Nepal Stock Exchange
24.10.2022 Colombo Stock Exchange
24.10.2022 Lusaka Stock Exchange
24.10.2022 Bolsa de Valores de Caracas
24.10.2022 Macedonia Stock Exchange
24.10.2022 Thailand Futures Exchange
25.10.2022 Nepal Stock Exchange
25.10.2022 South Pacific Stock Exchange
26.10.2022 National Stock Exchange of India
26.10.2022 Bombay Stock Exchange
26.10.2022 Wiener Bourse
26.10.2022 Nepal Stock Exchange
26.10.2022 Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange
26.10.2022 National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange
27.10.2022 Nepal Stock Exchange
27.10.2022 Maldives Stock Exchange
28.10.2022 Prague Stock Exchange
28.10.2022 Borsa Istanbul A.S.
28.10.2022 Athens Exchange - Derivatives
28.10.2022 Athens Exchange - Equities
28.10.2022 Cyprus Stock Exchange
28.10.2022 Nepal Stock Exchange
28.10.2022 Istanbul Stock Exchange
28.10.2022 Borsa Istanbul
29.10.2022 Borsa Istanbul A.S.
29.10.2022 Cambodian Securities Exchange
29.10.2022 Istanbul Stock Exchange
29.10.2022 Borsa Istanbul
30.10.2022 Nepal Stock Exchange
31.10.2022 Budapest Stock Exchange
31.10.2022 Philippine Stock Exchange
31.10.2022 Ljubljana Stock Exchange
31.10.2022 Santiago Stock Exchange
31.10.2022 La Bolsa Electronica de Chile
31.10.2022 Bolsa de Valores de Caracas
1.11.2022 Warsaw Stock Exchange
1.11.2022 Budapest Stock Exchange
1.11.2022 Philippine Stock Exchange
1.11.2022 Ljubljana Stock Exchange
1.11.2022 Zagreb Stock Exchange
1.11.2022 Santiago Stock Exchange
1.11.2022 Algiers Stock Exchange
1.11.2022 Cape Verde Stock Exchange
1.11.2022 Bourse Regionale des Valeurs Mobilieres
1.11.2022 La Bolsa Electronica de Chile
1.11.2022 Bolsa de Valores de Lima
1.11.2022 Nasdaq OMX Vilnius
1.11.2022 Bratislava Stock Exchange
1.11.2022 Polish Power Exchange
2.11.2022 Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (BMV)
2.11.2022 B3
2.11.2022 B3 (Composite)
2.11.2022 Stock Exchange of Mauritius
2.11.2022 El Salvador Stock Exchange
2.11.2022 Bolsa de Valores de Montevideo
2.11.2022 Nasdaq OMX Vilnius
3.11.2022 Nagoya Stock Exchange
3.11.2022 Tokyo Stock Exchange
3.11.2022 Nagoya Stock Exchange
3.11.2022 Maldives Stock Exchange
3.11.2022 Guayaquil Stock Exchange
3.11.2022 Quito Stock Exchange
3.11.2022 Bolsa de Valores de Panama, S.A.
4.11.2022 Nasdaq OMX Stockholm
4.11.2022 Nasdaq OMX Stockholm - Flex Options
4.11.2022 Guayaquil Stock Exchange
4.11.2022 Quito Stock Exchange
4.11.2022 Bolsa de Valores de Panama, S.A.
5.11.2022 Bolsa de Valores de Panama, S.A.
6.11.2022 Casablanca Stock Exchange
6.11.2022 Bolsa de Valores de la Republica Dominicana S.A.
7.11.2022 Colombo Stock Exchange
7.11.2022 Cambodian Securities Exchange
7.11.2022 Bolsa de Valores de Colombia
8.11.2022 National Stock Exchange of India
8.11.2022 Bombay Stock Exchange
8.11.2022 Cambodian Securities Exchange
8.11.2022 Baku Stock Exchange
8.11.2022 National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange
9.11.2022 Cambodian Securities Exchange
9.11.2022 Baku Stock Exchange
10.11.2022 Bolsa de Valores Mozambique
10.11.2022 Bolsa de Valores de Panama, S.A.
11.11.2022 Warsaw Stock Exchange
11.11.2022 Bermuda Stock Exchange Ltd
11.11.2022 Belgrade Stock Exchange
11.11.2022 Polish Power Exchange
13.11.2022 Maldives Stock Exchange
14.11.2022 Cayman Islands Stock Exchange
14.11.2022 Bolsa de Valores de Colombia
15.11.2022 B3
15.11.2022 B3 (Composite)
15.11.2022 Palestine Exchange
15.11.2022 Bourse Regionale des Valeurs Mobilieres
17.11.2022 Prague Stock Exchange
17.11.2022 Bratislava Stock Exchange
18.11.2022 Zagreb Stock Exchange
18.11.2022 Muscat Stock Exchange
18.11.2022 Casablanca Stock Exchange
18.11.2022 Nasdaq OMX Riga
19.11.2022 Muscat Stock Exchange
21.11.2022 Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (BMV)
21.11.2022 Mercado de Valores de Buenos Aires
21.11.2022 Bolsa de Valores de Caracas
21.11.2022 Banja Luka Stock Exchange
21.11.2022 Mercado a Termino de Beunos Aires
21.11.2022 Rosario Futures Exchange
22.11.2022 Beirut Stock Exchange
23.11.2022 Nagoya Stock Exchange
23.11.2022 Tokyo Stock Exchange
23.11.2022 Nagoya Stock Exchange
23.11.2022 Georgian Stock Exchange
24.11.2022 NYSE American
24.11.2022 NASDAQ BX
24.11.2022 Cboe Options Exchange (Cboe Options)
24.11.2022 Cboe C2 Options Exchange (C2 Options)
24.11.2022 Miami International Securities Exchange
24.11.2022 Cboe EDGA U.S. Equities Exchange (EDGA Equities)
24.11.2022 Investors Exchange LLC.
24.11.2022 OTC Markets
24.11.2022 ISE Gemini
24.11.2022 Cboe EDGX Exchange
24.11.2022 NYSE Chicago Inc
24.11.2022 New York Stock Exchange
24.11.2022 International Securities Exchange
24.11.2022 NYSE Arca
24.11.2022 Cboe BZX Exchange
24.11.2022 FINRA Alternative Display Facility (ADF)
24.11.2022 NASDAQ
24.11.2022 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
24.11.2022 NASDAQ Fund Network
24.11.2022 Other OTC
24.11.2022 Cboe BYX U.S. Equities Exchange (BYX Equities)
24.11.2022 NASDAQ PHLX
24.11.2022 National Stock Exchange
24.11.2022 MIAX Emerald
24.11.2022 ISE Mercury
24.11.2022 FINRA TRACE SPDS 144A
24.11.2022 MIAX PEARL
24.11.2022 Minneapolis Grain Exchange
24.11.2022 NYSE Bonds
24.11.2022 Members Exchange
24.11.2022 FTSE Russell Indexes
24.11.2022 FINRA TRACE BTDS 144A
24.11.2022 Cboe Market Data Index Service
24.11.2022 OPRA Indices
24.11.2022 US Equity Markets - OTC Composite
24.11.2022 US Equity Markets - Composite
24.11.2022 BATS One Summary Feed
24.11.2022 Cboe BZX Top
24.11.2022 NASDAQ Basic
24.11.2022 Mongolian stock exchange
24.11.2022 Nextshares
24.11.2022 NASDAQ Fund Network
25.11.2022 NYSE American
25.11.2022 NYSE American
25.11.2022 OTC Markets
25.11.2022 New York Stock Exchange
25.11.2022 NYSE Arca
25.11.2022 NYSE Arca
25.11.2022 NYSE Arca
25.11.2022 FINRA Alternative Display Facility (ADF)
25.11.2022 NASDAQ
25.11.2022 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
25.11.2022 NASDAQ Fund Network
25.11.2022 Other OTC
25.11.2022 NASDAQ PHLX
25.11.2022 NASDAQ PHLX
25.11.2022 FINRA TRACE SPDS 144A
25.11.2022 NYSE Bonds
25.11.2022 NYSE Bonds
25.11.2022 FTSE Russell Indexes
25.11.2022 FINRA TRACE BTDS 144A
25.11.2022 US Equity Markets - Composite
25.11.2022 NASDAQ Basic
25.11.2022 Nextshares
25.11.2022 NASDAQ Fund Network
26.11.2022 Mongolian stock exchange
28.11.2022 Bolsa de Valores de Panama, S.A.
30.11.2022 Philippine Stock Exchange
30.11.2022 Bucharest Stock Exchange
30.11.2022 Barbados Stock Exchange
1.12.2022 Bucharest Stock Exchange
1.12.2022 Nasdaq Dubai
1.12.2022 Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange
1.12.2022 Dubai Financial Market
1.12.2022 Kazakhstan Stock Exchange
2.12.2022 Nasdaq Dubai
2.12.2022 Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange
2.12.2022 Dubai Financial Market
2.12.2022 Lao Securities Exchange
2.12.2022 Ghana Stock Exchange
3.12.2022 Nasdaq Dubai
3.12.2022 Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange
3.12.2022 Dubai Financial Market
5.12.2022 Stock Exchange of Thailand
5.12.2022 Bolsa Nacional de Valores, S.A.
5.12.2022 Thailand Futures Exchange
6.12.2022 Nasdaq OMX Helsinki - Flex Options
6.12.2022 Nasdaq OMX Helsinki
6.12.2022 Quito Stock Exchange
7.12.2022 Colombo Stock Exchange
8.12.2022 Philippine Stock Exchange
8.12.2022 Malta Stock Exchange
8.12.2022 Santiago Stock Exchange
8.12.2022 Mercado de Valores de Buenos Aires
8.12.2022 Nepal Stock Exchange
8.12.2022 Republican Stock Exchange of Tashkent
8.12.2022 La Bolsa Electronica de Chile
8.12.2022 Bolsa de Valores de Colombia
8.12.2022 Bolsa de Valores de Panama, S.A.
8.12.2022 Bolsa de Valores de Lima
8.12.2022 Bolsa de Valores y Productos de Asuncion
8.12.2022 Macedonia Stock Exchange
8.12.2022 Mercado a Termino de Beunos Aires
8.12.2022 Rosario Futures Exchange
9.12.2022 Mercado de Valores de Buenos Aires
9.12.2022 Dar Es Salaam Stock Exchange
9.12.2022 Bolsa de Valores de Lima
9.12.2022 Mercado a Termino de Beunos Aires
9.12.2022 Rosario Futures Exchange
10.12.2022 Iraq Stock Exchange
12.12.2022 Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (BMV)
12.12.2022 Stock Exchange of Thailand
12.12.2022 Nairobi Stock Exchange
12.12.2022 Bolsa de Valores de Caracas
12.12.2022 Thailand Futures Exchange
13.12.2022 Malta Stock Exchange

Diğer Haberler
15.09.2027 itfa tarihli ihalede nominal teklif 7.66 milyar TL nominal satış 5.84 milyar TL
15.09.2027 itfa tarihli ihalede minimum fiyat 101,882 TL, ortalama fiyat 103,298 TL
04.08.2032 itfa tarihli ihalede nominal teklif 4.87 milyar TL nominal satış 2.67 milyar TL
04.08.2032 itfa tarihli ihalede minimum fiyat 146,180 TL, ortalama fiyat 149,312 TL
15.09.2027 itfa tarihli ihalede net satış 6.03 milyar TL
15.09.2027 itfa tarihli ihalede ortalama basit faiz % 9,87 ortalama bileşik faiz % 10,11
04.08.2032 itfa tarihli ihalede net satış 3.98 milyar TL
04.08.2032 itfa tarihli ihalede basit reel faiz -3.24%, reel bileşik faiz -3.21%
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